Eat Cake – SS15
For several seasons VERNER has been preoccupied with looking inward, to our own relationship with country and ourselves. But with Eat Cake Verner the gaze shifts to the rest of the world, and the faces of a generation that has increasingly defining itself through travel and cultural exploration. Eat Cake Verner is a loving, and chic, pastiche of our tendency to romanticise the Parisian experience. It's a love letter to the city we met in movies and through music, one that is home to countless ingénues and love affairs. Where handsome boys run like water towards girls in cleaver dresses, and girls remain perfectly aloof.
The range is as candy coloured and fanciful as the dream itself, allowing us to indulge in the girl we want to be when we pick up our passport and board a plane. Although at first glance it could be seen as a kiss blown onto the wind, like all VERNER collections it is questioning more than the line of a dress. It asks why we fall so hard for places that aren't our own, and allow our incessant cultural cringe to insist that another's culture is correct and superior. It's a meditation on a fantasy, perfect bath towels and all.
Let Them Eat Cake reminds us that as much as we seek to retell and reinterpret our own story, we also want to join another narrative. It's created around the young Australians striving to be part of a Paris street scene with the Australian sun on their back. Those introduced to it through New Wave windows, who know it's a dream but gleefully resist waking. But it's not all so serious, after all to worship a dream is a treat, and so are the pieces. In reality perhaps the girl in perfect checks holding croissants that will never crumble don't exist, but in VERNER's world she's immortalized without a glossy hair out of place. The classics are reinterpreted in the trademark VERNER way, as easy and approachable wardrobe staples that will retain life season after season. And the croissant? It too will also last forever, as a playful accessory of course.